
Always study and research the information here first before use! UAYOR!

Codd's Rules No 01: Data is Presented in Tables

  • A database is form by a set of related tables
  • All data is represented as tables only, there is no other way the data can be viewed
  • A table is a logical grouping of related data in tabular form
  • Table also known as relation or entity
  • Tabular form also known as rows and columns
  • Each row describes an item (person, place or thing)
  • Each row contains information about a single item in the table
  • Row also known as record or tuple
  • Each column describes a single characteristic about an item
  • Column as known as field or attribute
  • Data is atomic; there is no more than one value associated with the intersection of a row and column
  • The relationships among tables are logical; there are no physical relationships among tables


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